October 17, 2008

"Don't touch the light!!!" "But it's so beauuuuutifuuuuuullll....."

I have recently discovered a small idiosyncrasy of mine. No, it's not other people's spelling errors - I've known about that one for years. Rather, I have realized my frustration with the casual use of certain adjectives. Words like beauty and love are so overused. It actually bothers me quite a bit.

I think one thing that factors into this is my knowledge of God. Even in my limited understanding of all that he is, I understand that he is beauty and love personified. At night when I look up at the speckled sky - that is beauty. When I am in that quiet place where I am overwhelmed by my Father's graceful presence - that is love. And so to use these terms on anything less is almost sacrilegious. I don't think there's anything wrong with describing a football pass as beautiful (actually....) and I won't hurt you if you say that you're in love with coffee. But honestly? If we are capable of properly using the English language, maybe we should be more original. Just think of all the possibilities!

"This coffee is so delicious it fills my digestive enzymes with joy."

"This music is so amazing it makes my very soul quiver in excitement."

"You look so fine today, that if you were a cookie I would eat you."

etc, etc......

So try something new. Be creative. There isn't any fun in being cliche anyways.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you seriously said "that coffee is so delicious it fills my digestive enzymes with joy" I would allow laughter to bubble out of my soul and erupt in a cacophonous noise filling the corners of the room. :)

October 21, 2008 at 12:45 PM  

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