August 29, 2008

College Experience: Day 3

I have lived within the same forty-mile radius my entire life. Our family has ventured onto camping trips to nearby states, and even within Idaho. I have flown to Kansas by myself to visit my very best friend, and have traveled to Portland with my Grandparents once. But this is just about all that my traveling and adventuring life consists of. I was so excited when I visited Seattle last fall. But now I'm living there. And boy is it an adventure.

I have yet to actually leave the school campus on my own due to the crazy schedule entailed with orientation activities. But I have never been so thrilled in my life. To start over from scratch in a brand new place, with new friends, a new school, and a new chapter of life. The fact that my college is Christian excites me to no end. I have noticed a substantial difference between elementary and high school Christian schools, and Christian colleges. The majority of the students here actually choose to attend. The strong Christian community feel has become so evident even after two-and-a-half days. Now don't think I'm naive enough to believe that every student loves God with all their heart and is set on living for him. But for the most part, the students and faculty here are awesome. I can't explain to you in words the excitement and sheer joy I have for what God has planned for this next school year. The blessings that I have and am receiving are doubled by the prayers, love, and incredible support from all those I love back in Idaho. Thank you from the very depths of my heart. Please keep in touch! Love you all!!


Blogger simplisticthoughts said...

Yay! So much fun! I bet you are going to set such an amazing pace there and those who aren't as excited about their relationship with Christ, God is going to set you in their path to show them His love and relationship! Love the stories girl!

September 2, 2008 at 9:08 PM  

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