October 20, 2008


If you don't know by now, I adore children of all ages. I find great joy in building things with legos just so that they can be destroyed (several boys have taught me that this is their true purpose). I have become a master at building race tracks for hot wheels cars. And not much amuses me more than playing house with a 2-year-old with dolls who are missing clothing and miniature kitchens with plastic food.
Even though there are times that I would rather go do something more relaxing like take a nap or watch a movie, by the time I get settled in I am glad I went. I can honestly say that I have never regretted a single night spent with children. I savor a good challenge of a strong-willed child. I can be more stubborn than they, and I understand their manipulation strategies. I will not be defeated!!. Even though this can be stressful at times, it is all worth it when I come back again and I am greeted with a huge smile with little arms thrown in the air as they yell "Wexa!!" It is worth it in the times when I can rock an infant to sleep with a quiet song. It is worth it when the 3-year-old studies me for a minute or two, and then states with finality, "Awexa? I sink you're a nice girl. I wuv you." It is in these moments that I can't help smiling and I feel like my joy is so full that it's leaking out of me.
I hope that in some way I can portray even a fraction of the love for them that is in my heart. If I can accomplish that, I am more than content.


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