July 8, 2008

The child in me...

Despite the fact that I am old enough to be considered an "adult" (as long as you don't ask my parents), there are still times I feel like a toddler running around without a care in the world. A lovely lady that I babysit for, once asked me if I ever get tired of babysitting so much. The answer is a resolute "no". In fact, the answer is "heck no!". I love watching little kids because I can have authority and help "shape the minds of tomorrow" and still have fun at the same time. I get paid to play! I really don't know how I'm going to survive when I move this fall. No more babies to feed bottles and burp; no more toddlers to ask if they need to go potty only to find that they've already peed on the floor. No more little girls to play dollies with and no more boys that ask me to play star wars with them so we can have a light-saber battle. (which I won by the way, with one life to spare)

I'm quite certain that children are right below food, water and shelter on my version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. They seem to be vital to my survival. So please keep me in your prayers. Ask God to send me many families with young children while I'm in college. Otherwise I might die of kid-deprivation. If I don't, who's gonna play with me?


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