December 8, 2007

christmas trees? nah.

It's December. The month of holiday celebration. Christmas! Our house doesn't smell like it though, because we have yet to get a Christmas tree. I love the smell of them....

Every-other house is adorned in bright lights. Fred Meyer smells of scented pine cones and fir trees. The store entrance always greets me with the ringing of a bell next to a small red bucket. Children write their letters to Santa, assuring that he knows of their good behavior. The eggnog has been released for my enjoyment once again.

Despite all this, I can't help but acknowledge this feeling of a lack of Christmas. When I was little I used to make a Christmas list of everything I wanted and wished for. But I can't bring myself to do that when I see homeless people on the side of the street. Seeing that bell-ringer makes me think twice about spending three dollars on a Starbucks drink. The holiday spirit that is contained in a store - that is not Christmas. It never really "feels" like Christmas. No green tree with a wonderful aroma - no iPod under the tree - no Christmas-carol singing will ever give you that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Who am I to ask for trivial, meaningless things when there are people struggling to survive? How could I be so self-centered as to spend my money, time, and effort on fleeting things? Instead, I will choose to use that which has blessed me to bless others.

For me, the only time it's truly Christmas, is in the silence. When I see what I have, what others don't have, and I do something about it. When I lend a helping hand in secret - when I slip a note of encouragement to the person who's having a bad day. When I sit in the secret place, and my heart overflows with gratitude for my Savior. For the gift he has given me is Christmas.

I don't need no stinkin' Christmas tree.


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