August 5, 2007

the world

Who am I to be selfish as I am?
What have I done to deserve anything good? I'll tell you what I've done: nothing. Nothing I could ever do would earn what God has freely given.
Yet, as he has bestowed these gifts upon me, I take them and use them for myself. How useless is a gift that is not shared? With all that I have, how dare I keep it to myself? I hear myself say, "Thank you Lord for all you have given me", and I fail to see that he has given it to those around me as well.

He has given me his love, so that I might love even the most annoying people. He has given me life, so that I can share its wonders with those who have no purpose. He has given me joy that I may share it with those in despair. He has forgiven me so that I may show mercy. He has protected me so that I might comfort the helpless. He has put a smile on my face, so that I may spread it to those in my life.

He has loved me with an everlasting love. How could I do any less than to share it with the world?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could be experiencing something that any truly introspective people experience. That is, the fact that none of us measures up. I don't totally agree with you though when you say that you use these gifts for yourself. If you use them for yourself, why bother asking such a question? Furthermore, when you become proficient in the gifts of God, you are salt and light in a screwed up world.

Alexa, yes you can do better sharing God's gifts with a needy world. Perhaps you could do better experiencing God's grace as well???

You've loved the annoying, (Does the Prom ring a bell??),have shown mercy, (how about the girl who had seizures, the Prom?)you have shared your joy with those in despair,(Sarah, Alyssa, the Prom...) you have shown comfort to the helpless??? Why is it that you are letting Satan lie to you and tell you that you aren't good enough? You are good enough! You are a giver!! You are a sweet aroma to God and to me!

August 12, 2007 at 6:19 PM  

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