November 5, 2007

Yet again, I am amazed by life. I find myself overwhelmed by the joy I can find in the little things. Each day I learn something new. I have been taught so much the past year, whether by people or by situations, that I feel like I can't absorb any more. Yet I know I haven't even scratched the surface of all I can learn.

Just the past few weeks I have experienced first hand what it feels like to force yourself to do something you never wanted to do. My entire body was terrified. Yet instead of convincing myself why I shouldn't do it, I just did it. And it wasn't that bad after all. I have come to realize that fear is all in your head. And while there may be logical reasons for fear, the majority of it is psychosomatic. I've had the epiphany that it's okay to be uncomfortable and that there's nothing wrong with failing.

It has occurred to me that some people in your life will bring you down, and all you can do is keep going. Not everyone in your life will like you, and not everyone will understand who you really are. Those who really know you will challenge you in your weaknesses, and not just praise you for your strengths. Those are the ones who make the greatest impact. I am so grateful for those people in my life - the ones who push me further than I ever wanted to go and beyond. But most of all I am grateful for my Savior and all he has done. Nothing I ever say could be enough to describe the depth of my love. "I love you endlessly..."


Blogger Caitlin said...

Could this perhaps be in reference to nearly drowning twice a week?

November 5, 2007 at 5:31 PM  
Blogger janelle said...

Hello Dear Niece!

I am so glad for friends who have gone to the effort to be honest with me, when they could have just nodded their heads and smiled...
There have been two times in my life especially, when I needed the hard truth-- one of those times was when I was in high school.

What you say is very true about fear, isn't it?
Hurrah for Growth!
You go Girl!
Love ya!
and... what's this about almost drowning twice a week? Hmmm??

November 7, 2007 at 11:06 PM  

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