May 5, 2007

I don't want to die

Whoever said that death has to be physical? It can be spiritual; emotional

Whoever said that breathing made you full of life? I have seen many people that are sucking air, but are empty - devoid of purpose.

I am alive. But am I truly living in my fullest potential? I want to be strong in all that I do. I want to go to bed every night knowing that I lived fully.

It's so easy to let monotonous routines consume your purpose. It takes less effort to get up each day, and live just for the sake of living. Before you know it, you walked through your whole day, and did a whole lot without accomplishing much of anything. But what about purpose? Where does it fit in? If you don't make it a priority, everything else will smother it. Be purposeful. Don't let yourself die.

I want to live.


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