July 15, 2008

For the love of music

I had wanted an iPod since the first day I saw one. When the kids from church were all listening to their sweet tunes on the bus up to camp, I was still in the early stages with my "SanDisk MP3 player". Even though I was taught from an early age that you're not defined by your possessions, I must admit I did not feel up to par. I needed to have an iPod.

And then it came.

The summer of 2007. Filled to overflowing with babysitting opportunities. In a matter of three weeks I had enough money. (side note: If you find that you hate your job I encourage you to try babysitting sometime. It works around your schedule, pays well, and you get good benefits of food, play time, and the occasional starbucks drink if your employers are feeling generous!) After laboring over the toilsome decision of what color to get, I finally decided on silver and then ordered my treasure from online. I was nearly ecstatic when it arrived somewhere between five and seven business days later. Ever since that time, I have had the intense pleasure of being able to take my music anywhere with me. I can take a baby for a walk in a stroller, walk around down town, or even sit at home - and I feel satisfaction as I pull my white headphones out of my pocket.
Amazing as this euphoria was, even greater were my feelings when I made the discovery of Podcasts. Whoever came up with this ingenious idea aught to receive a Nobel Peace Prize or something. As great as it may be to take my music with me wherever I go, even greater still is it to listen to Pastor Judah Smith on a walk, or Adventures In Odyssey in my car of children. It is through podcasts that I have been touched. It has been through those little white headphones that some of my greatest moments of conviction have transpired. So if I relate to you a moment of great revelation, more than likely it had something to do with my iPod.


Blogger simplisticthoughts said...

Iknow how you felt sista, I was rockin the same MP3, til a couple of my home boys for my last birthday pitched in and bought me a video nano. HAHA! Then about a week later, someone sent me the exact same one in the mail, God works in mysterious ways lol.


July 22, 2008 at 6:56 PM  

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