November 5, 2008

country music: the devil is a liar!

There are some types of music that I just don't enjoy. I wouldn't say that I "hate" them. Hate is a strong word. But I have come pretty close to swearing my heart forever against country music and anything that sounds close to it. Something about the twang of the singers' voices added to the lyrics of most of the songs just doesn't agree with my ears.

The conclusion that I came to last night, (besides the discovery that Taylor Swift is in fact, female - unlike my previous thought) is that I really can enjoy any kind of music in the presence of friends. Even the music that I normally "just don't enjoy". I can bear listening to one of my least-favorite songs of all time entitled "Soulja Boy", only because my friend has previously forced my ears to hear it. And it's not that I enjoy the song in itself. The music and the lyrics just are not my favorite. But the fact that it has been listened to with friends makes it a fun song, despite its terrible grammatical errors and language. So thank you Caitlin.

And just a holler out to my two girlies last night: thank you for teaching me well that Taylor Swift is a female - that drip coffee tastes like heaven when it's free - and that no matter who is president, Jesus is still on the throne. Maybe one day I'll be able to praise Him while enjoying country music. Who knows....

November 1, 2008

Distracted??? Never....

I am easily distracted.

This can sometimes be good, and sometimes be bad.
Many times I allow myself to be distracted, and other times I am completely unaware. For example, I could currently be working on a paper that's due on Monday. But there a times when I just feel the need to blog. I am in the right mood. So I am taking advantage of my opportunity to be distracted.

The past few days have been very homesick ones. Even though I am returning home soon, (in approximately 20 days, 5 hours, and 23 minutes) I am wondering whether I can make it that much longer. Three months away from home is difficult sometimes.
I have realized how much I miss random adventures with close friends.

I have realized how much I miss crazy times with my siblings.

But since arriving at college, I have met some truly amazing people. I have made many acquaintances and several close friends. They are good at distracting me from my loneliness. (and also my homework, but we don't need to address that right now) Especially that handful of girls on my floor - you know who you are. :) I am so grateful for the kindness and love you guys have shown me, and for the memories I know we will continue to make.
So while I may be counting down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until I arrive back home, I'm sure that every one of those seconds will be spent to the fullest. Because Jesus has blessed me with many distractions. :)